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How milk gets from the farm to the consumer

In order to get really healthy and tasty milk, we use only up-to-date equipment and advanced technologies. Despite the apparent complexity, the entire production process is quite simple:


Cattle Handling and Milking

During the warm season, twice a day the cows go out to the pastures, where they eat natural feed from fields, choosing what they like. In winter the cows also go for a walk every day at dinnertime. After the walk they return for milking.



The milking operation is performed automatically with the use of a special milking machine unit. The cooled milk is transported to the plant in milk trucks.



The acceptance of milk is also carried out automatically with the help of the Tetra Pak modern acceptance line for collection, treatment and cooling of the milk. The accepted raw milk is sorted out based on its quality.



The collected milk is transferred to special bunker tanks, where it is slowly stirred at a low temperature to maintain its homogeneity.



Milk purification is carried out with special separators and bactofuge that allows us to remove all harmful bacteria and impurity inclusions from the milk.



During the separation, due to the fast rotation, the milk is separated into cream and skimmed milk.



During the homogenization process, large globules of milk are broken down into smaller ones. This prevents the separation of cream from milk and makes the milk more homogeneous during storage.


Ultra Pasteurization (UP)

During the process of ultra pasteurization, the milk is held at the temperature of 137±2°C for 4 seconds exactly and then instantly cooled. Ultra pasteurization allows to destroy all harmful microorganisms, while retaining all nutrients contained in milk.


Aseptic package

Milk is packed in aseptic conditions into special 6-layer bags protecting milk from the harmful sunlight and air, which may cause its oxidation and spoilage. At each stage of production we examine organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators, as well as the marketable condition of products. Each batch of UHT milk is inspected for the manufacturing sterility.



Delivery of the finished dairy products to the stores


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