That is why before the summer starts «Bolshaya kruzhka» is glad to offer its customers the new products - tasty refreshing cocktails. The new range of «Bolshaya kruzhka» includes the most popular «summer» cocktails: Mohito Strawberry mohito and Pina colada. «Bolshaya kruzhka» is the range of non-alcoholic cocktails, prepared on the basis of two useful natural ingredients: milk whey and natural juice. The recipe enabled us to maintain and emphasize in a special way an incredible harmony and fine unique taste of your favorite cocktails. New cocktails «Bolshaya kruzhka» demonstrate a balance between taste and usefulness. According to its composition, which includes vitamins and minerals, the milk whey is close to the whole milk. As the result cocktails contain no fats. On the other hand they contain the elements, which are necessary for the healthy nutrition: proteins, amino acids, lactose, minerals and vitamins A, B6, D3 and E. So we are glad to offer our customers light, refreshing, incredibly tasty and the same time healthy drink, which helps still thirst and satisfy light hunger. It will help you stay fit and make your mood better. You should definitely try our new cocktails: «Mohito», «Strawberry mohito» and «Pina colada» made under the brand name «Bolshaya kruzhka» and choose your favorite cocktail!